Sunday, February 27, 2011

Death Valley Mosaic for Flickr Fun

Death Valley
Originally uploaded by krysalid75
Here is an example of the photo mosaic made with the Mosaic Maker from my flickr photos...See all of the things I am learning to do...

Thing 9...example.

Things 8 and 9

Thing 8: Flickr
As you could probably already tell by the lovely attatched photos, I set up the flickr account as directed by the 23 things.  I tagged the photos and linked the blog, posted photos to the blog, set up the groups, tagged the photos, geotagged the photos, and bookmarked them with delicious, etc.  Just thinking about the amount of metadata I have just created and cast upon the web makes the heart race.  I also, as instructed, explored the flickr groups, and joined several of the library groups which were full of beautiful pictures of libraries and books and the memory of card catalogs. 
I also explored several of the other photo-sharing sites, a few of which I use for sharing photos of my children with family and friends.

Thing 9
The 9th activity includes "playing" with flickr...making a color montage to match your mood, making a map of photos, creating a mosaic of photos, and creating a slide show with one of your photos...see above. I could have done without the super poke pets around it, but this is what it is. I made the mosaic as well, and generally just played around on all the links provided. Good fun. The mosaic would be useful for book covers, perhaps, when doing blog lists or reviews. Lots to learn.

Reading Lists Still

This past week or so:
One of those hideous books where the mother dies by Sonya Sones
When It Happens by Susane Colasanti
Freak Show by James St. James
Exclusively Chloe by J.A. Yang
Nothing but the Truth (and a few white lies) by Justine Chen Headley
Jerk, California by Jonathan Friesen
Stand Tall by Joan Bauer


Originally uploaded by krysalid75
Somewhere in England or Scotland...Maybe on the moors of York?  I can't remember.  But I have added the photos.  Stay tuned for lots of pictures of my cats.

Thing Next: Add Flickr to your blog

Originally uploaded by krysalid75
Welcome to the exciting world of my old vacation photos! I know, but I had to add photos to flickr for this Thing 8...and this is what you get. So enjoy these photos of my trip to the UK circa 2001...and I will be back to blog about flickr soon.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

23 Things: Things 5, 6, and 7!

Thing 5
The 5th Activity requires a trip to Delicious, and learning how to use a social bookmarking site.  I had put off using Delicious because I heard there was some issues with whether or not they would still be around soon...but I have since heard they are staying put.  I hope so, because I think I am really going to like this once I get all of my current bookmarks transferred over and tagged accordingly.  It will really make it easier to go back and forth from my laptop to the desktop to the iPad.  This is a great idea, and one of the things that I think will get the most use so far out of these activities.  I am loving the idea of the bookmarking site.  The activity also required signing the blog up on delicious with a tag of SLA23Things, so that it may be linked to their blog lists when open.  Check.

Thing 6
The 6th activity involves tagging and folksonomies and blog directories.  It is interesting to see how you can track who views your blog, and using the folksonomies and tags allows for constructive browsing- and also presents the temptation to just websurf all afternoon, so use with caution!  The activity also includes joining Technorati and listing this blog, which I did.

Thing 7
Thing 7 has to do with Library 2.0 and how it is used today.  I have to admit, no offense to the traditionalists, that I love the OPAC at my local public library.  I search entire lists of school recommended texts, make a list of them and save it in my profile, and then place requests a few (or 10) at a time.   Then I can sit back and wait for them to be sent from all over the county to the library a few blocks from my house, pick them all up at once at the desk rather than looking for them, and thus avoid the showdown between my 2 year old and the other patrons while I am searching for books.  Don't get me wrong, there are days when we go and hang out in the kids section...and there are days I go to browse and shop the friends of the library bookstore...but some times you just want them practically delivered to you.  I love it.  And, it helps me keep track of what I need for the rest of the semester, and what I have already covered.

I admit the idea of random patrons commenting on resources is a bit scary to me...but then, I read the reviews of both customers and Consumer Reports before making other purchases, particularly kid related items as the researchers obviously do not have children when they make and/or promote some things.  Why should it be different with books?  Do I always believe their reviews? No.  Of course not.  Some things should be taken with a grain or shaker of salt, and some people love to complain.  But I am sure that we will eventually have a way of dealing with that as well.  I look forward to the changing library environment.

Also,some of the blogs for the Library 2.0 gang were really entertaining...

Reading Updates

This week:
Many many children's books, and
Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan
Studying Boys by Stephie Davis
Uncle Daddy by Ralph Fletcher

Friday, February 11, 2011

23 Things: Blogging (Things 3 and 4)

I know it sounds a bit silly to blog about creating a blog, but that is what I am going to do.  I explored the 23 things Thing 3 and 4, and the project was to create a blog and register it with Blogger Central on Technorati.  Ok, done.  (Well, mostly.  I listed my URL, but have not "claimed the blog", because this requires adding RSS feeds, which is not until the next project.)
Part of the project for creating a blog was to explore other blog sites as well and to decide which one is right for you.  I decided on this blogger blog, but I also have a blog with LiveJournal- It just isn't one I wish to share with others.  One thing I have noticed that I do like about LJ but haven't learned yet on Blogger, is the ability to cut text and hide a portion of the blog post.  I think this is especially useful for writing about books, because you can hide any spoilers under a "spoiler alert" cut, and then if someone does not wish to know how the book ends- they do not have to read it.  I need to find out if this is possible on this site.
So, you already know about the blog if you are reading this, and so let us just say- things 3 and 4 are complete- and move on to the next project.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Reading lists still

Ok, I am still not caught up, but here is the list of what I read this week, just so I can remember.

Gates of Excellence and Bridge to Terebithia by Katherine Paterson
Life of Pi by Yann Martel
Just Listen by Sarah Dessen